North Mason GSA Participates in 19th Annual Kitsap Human Rights Rally

“I didn’t know there were that many high school students into human rights!” exclaimed Sarah, a freshman at North Mason High School. Sarah is a member of the school’s Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), the only GSA in Mason County. Sarah and other GSA members shared their experiences of the 19th Annual Kitsap Youth Rally for

Pride Foundation Welcomes News of Re-Introduction of ENDA

Today, a bi-partisan group of Senators and House members introduced a fully-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would prohibit most employers across the country from discriminating against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workers. Our region’s very own Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) is a principal sponsor of the legislation and introduced the bill, and Senator Patty

Pressing LGBTQ Issues

On April 18, Inland Northwest Business Alliance (INBA) hosted the first-ever LGBTQ Community and Business Expo in Spokane. The intention of the event was to provide the LGBTQ community and general public the opportunity to connect, learn, and engage with businesses, non-profits and professionals who are supportive and part of the LGBTQ community. The day’s

Five Things I’ve Learned at Pride Foundation

Thank you for the memories. On my last day as Pride Foundation’s Director of Communications, I had a chance to reflect on the last three years of working for the Northwest’s LGBTQ community. With the rebranding project, Washington Referendum 74 campaign, and build-up of our regional team all complete, it’s time for me to pack

Celebrating the Power of Making a Difference

Guest blogger Stacey Prince founded the Beyond the Bridge Fund at Pride Foundation. Here, she reflects on her experiences and how she believes positive changes are being made for LGBTQ folks since founding the fund in 2010. “What do you want for your birthday?”  People asked, and I didn’t know what to tell them.  Really,

Becoming a Trans Ally in Skagit Valley, WA

PFLAG super mom Kathy Reim is already an expert on issues in the LGBTQ community, but what makes her an exceptional leader is that she’s always looking to learn more. As Regional Director for PFLAG Pacific Northwest, Kathy recently met seven moms with transgender children at a home north of Seattle to learn more about

ACLU Lobbyist Strives to Secure Equality for all Montanans

I’ve been a fan of Niki Zupanic for as long as I’ve known her. She is an incredible, articulate attorney who serves as the Public Policy Director of the ACLU of Montana. She’s someone who can, with a straight face betraying no emotion whatsoever, take on legislators who argue that decriminalizing homosexuality will lead to

Beacons of Support in Rural America

Imagine having always lived in a rural community or making the decision to move to a small town to be near family. Maybe you just want to get away from hectic city living, you found other employment, or you plan to attend a local university. Whatever the reason, this isn’t a huge problem for most.

Tuition Equity A Reality in Oregon

Access to higher education just got a little easier in Oregon—and a lot more fair. After a decade of work, undocumented students in Oregon will now qualify for in-state tuition with the passage on March 21 of House Bill 2787, the Tuition Equity Bill. Tuition Equity grants in-state tuition to students who have attended school

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