Are you a Pride Foundation Scholar? We need your help! As part of the 2017 Scholarship Celebration event, we want to show attendees what Pride Foundation scholar alumni are up to! Please fill out the form below and you could be featured at our May 31 Scholarship Celebration event in Seattle. Use the template above as
Be a Part of the Celebration
Rachel Crandall, the head of Transgender Michigan, created Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) in 2009 out of frustration that the only well-known day each year focused on transgender communities was Transgender Day of Remembrance “The day of remembrance is exactly what it is. It remembers the people who died,” Rachel said. “[Transgender Day of Visibility]
Women Are Leading the Response
As Program Director at Montana Women Vote, I often meet with legislators in Helena to discuss women’s needs. And every year on International Women’s Day (IWD), I am joined in the capital building by hundreds of women celebrating IWD Lobby Day. While this lobby day is always a great opportunity for women of all backgrounds
It’s Time to Oppose Montana’s HB 609
Opponents of equality are stirring up unfounded fears about safety and privacy in an effort to enshrine discrimination into law. Last week, Rep. Carl Glimm (R, Kila) introduced HB 609. This law would force all Montanans to use public facilities based on their biological sex as designated on their original birth certificate. It goes even
We Will Do Everything We Can to Protect One Another
If there were any remaining questions about how LGBTQ people would be treated by the Trump administration, we received a crystal clear answer last week when they announced they would revoke the guidance that protected transgender students from discrimination in schools. This action ruthlessly targets some of the most vulnerable within our community: transgender youth
“Justice is what love looks like in public”
Engraved on the south wall of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s memorial in Washington D.C. is his quote: “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” This sentiment is what I am especially holding onto today—Valentine’s Day.
Our Opportunity to Respond
We have all been waiting—and then waiting some more—to see what’s next from this new administration and Congress. This is contributing to a climate of anxiety, fear, and anticipation that we are living with every day as we try to figure out what this political reality will mean for ourselves, our families, and our world.
Equality is a Montana Value
Helena Montana’s first fully-inclusive non-discrimination ordinance officially goes into effect today, February 8, 2017. It has been a long road to get here. Four years ago, when the community worked to get Helena’s first non-discrimination ordinance passed, an exclusion was adopted that specifically targeted transgender and gender diverse people. As written, the exclusion required transgender
The Potential of a Unified Struggle
Last month’s stunning Women’s Marches in Washington D.C. and across the globe were, in part, inspired by the 1963 March on Washington. This display of solidarity and unity brought to mind a quote from civil rights leader Bayard Rustin, perhaps best known as the organizer of the 1963 March on Washington and advisor to Reverend
January 3 Cool Things: Inspiration in this Moment
For many of us, this new year has been fraught with worry about what’s ahead. In moments like these, it is even more important that we pause to celebrate examples of our unity and our success. Here are three recent accomplishments that your support made possible: On January 9, the Helena City Commission voted 3-2