Each year volunteers scour the applications of future LGBTQ leaders to find the next class of Pride Foundation Scholars.
The scholarship review is a community driven process made possible by the time and energy contributed by volunteers across the Pacific Northwest. In return, volunteers are offered the opportunity to gain insight around emerging community leaders.
As in years past, we are looking for volunteers to read, review and make difficult choices concerning scholarship applicants and whether they move forward in the process. The Scholarship Eligibility Review takes place during the month of February and volunteer orientations will be held on a variety of dates and times in December, January, and February. Participating in one of the volunteer orientation sessions is mandatory and is held on-line along with the scholarship review. More information is available on the Pride Foundation scholarship website.
To sign up as a volunteer please fill out a volunteer application here.
If you would like more information about Scholarship Eligibility Review, please contact Educational Programs Officer Craig Williams at scholarships@pridefoundation.org or 206-323-3318 x11.
The scholarship review process has three stages.
1. Scholarship Eligibility Review
– Initial review of applications – Feb 2015
– Decision Meeting: Early March 2015 (times vary by team)
2. Specific Scholarship Selection Team
-Reviewing applications using specific criteria for one of our scholarships
– Review during mid-late March 2015
-Interviewing the applicants with your team on Interview Day
– April 2015
3. Interview Day Support
-Check-in, guidance, and support of applicants on Interview Day in Seattle
– morning , noon & afternoon shifts available