As a volunteer scholarship or grant reviewer at Pride Foundation, I commit to…

  • agree to attend three live meetings online.
  • reading a substantial amount of material before a deadline, providing thoughtful feedback, and participating in small group discussions via video/audio conference call.  
  • ensuring my availability during the entire review period, and will have enough time in my schedule to review the applications and submit online reviews on time.
  • responding within 3 days of email requests from staff or other volunteers.
  • understanding, agreeing with, and supporting Pride Foundation’s organizational mission, vision, and philosophy through this volunteer role. 
  • ensuring a fair and equitable review for all applicants and applicant organizations by strictly following all evaluation processes as directed.
  • NEVER contacting scholarship applicants by any means or for any reason. This includes online social networking sites and extends past the review period. I understand that this boundary is vital for the safety and protection of all applicants, and especially minors. Pride Foundation has a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind.
  • NEVER contacting grant applicant organizations in the role of reviewer by any means or for any reason. Note that this doesn’t extend past the role of reviewer—we know our volunteers are very active in community.  
  • contacting Pride Foundation staff directly to facilitate an introduction if I would like to connect with a scholarship or grant applicant for professional reasons or to offer resources
  • respecting applicants and other volunteers’ self-identified gender pronoun, name, and identity labels.
  • creating a supportive environment that welcomes a wide variety of perspectives and allows all voices to participate, with a special awareness towards equity and power dynamics. 
  • keeping all application materials and the information they contain private, including any notes I take. I will not share electronic or printed copies of any materials outside of my own review committee. 
  • ensuring all electronic or printed copies of materials, including my notes, are permanently deleted or shredded at the close of the review process.  
  • holding all decision-making discussions in strictest confidence.
  • notifying Pride Foundation staff immediately if I have knowledge of any contact that violates this agreement. 


Conflict of Interest

As a Pride Foundation scholarship or grant review volunteer, I agree to notify Pride Foundation staff as soon as I become aware of any perceived or real conflicts of interest with the applications I am reviewing. I will follow all directions from staff on how to proceed. 

A conflict exists when a scholarship reviewer:

  • Benefits or may be perceived to benefit personally and financially from the scholarship/grant award;
  • Is the partner/spouse, relative, friend, or knows the applicant in a personal, social, or professional sphere;
  • Is a teacher, professor, counselor, or school professional for the scholarship applicant;
  • Is an employer or employee of the scholarship applicant;

A conflict exists when a grant reviewer:

  • Is a board or staff member, volunteer, paid consultant, or works closely with the grant applicant organization. 
  • Is the partner, family member, former partner, or close friend of any executive staff, management, or board members of the grant applicant organization;
  • was involved in preparing the application.

I understand that violating, or acting against, any part of this agreement will prompt an accountability process with Pride Foundation staff and board that may change or end my volunteer role. 

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