Join us Tuesday, December 15th from 5:30-6:30pm PST for a special regionwide event to round out this year for our supporters.
We will look back on 2020 and the work we have been able to support together.
We will share more about the groups who have met the unprecedented challenges of this year by reimagining community care and continuing to work toward the bold and fierce future that we all need.
We will look ahead to what is on the horizon for Pride Foundation and our communities in 2021.
Together, we will mobilize the energy, creativity, and resources we will need for a future where our communities not only survive the next year, but have everything we need to thrive today, tomorrow, and beyond. Simply click here to register.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Regional Director of Community Engagement, Jedidiah Chavez with any questions or concerns. We can’t wait to see you!