Name | School | Area of Study | City, State | Year |
Reece Petrik | University of Oregon | Juris Doctor | Eugene, Oregon | 2020 |
Adam Okoye | University of Ottawa | Linguistics | Lake Oswego, Oregon | 2020 |
Khadija Tarver | University of Pennsylvania | Architecture | Olympia, Washington | 2021 |
Joseph Disan | University of Portland | Economics; Business Administration | Portland, Oregon | 2018 |
Reuben Fellman | University of Puget Sound | Biology, Mycology | Corvallis, Oregon | 2021 |
Brier Hutchinson-Moreno | University of Puget Sound | Law | Zillah, Washington | 2022 |
Brier Moreno | University of Puget Sound | Politics and Government | Zillah, Washington | 2023 |
Evon Mahesh | University of Rochester | Education | Sammamish, Washington | 2019 |
Ryan Wagstaff | University of Sydney | Global Health-Public Health | Seattle, Washington | 2020 |
Atlas Marshall | University of Vermont | Aesthetics/Esthetics | Portland, Oregon | 2021 |