Name | School | Area of Study | City, State | Year |
Nghi Nguyen | University of California | Biochemistry | Sherwood, Oregon | 2019 |
Hanna Nguyen | University of Oregon | Biochemistry | Portland, Oregon | 2020 |
Nghi Nguyen | University of California, Los Angeles | Pharmacy | Portland, Oregon | 2021 |
Cameran Nicholas | Portland state university | Social Work, Psychology | Portland , Oregon | 2020 |
Derek Nix | Portland State University | Juris Doctor; Business Law | Beaverton, Oregon | 2018 |
Adam Okoye | University of Ottawa | Linguistics | Lake Oswego, Oregon | 2020 |
Lupe Oropeza Gomez | Western Governors University | Education | Springfield, Oregon | 2023 |
Bibiana Ortiz | Boise State Universtiy | Sociology & Ethnic Studies | Boise, Idaho | 2021 |
Jesus Pardue | The College of Idaho | Pre-Medicine | Boise, Idaho | 2021 |
Reece Petrik | University of Oregon | Juris Doctor | Eugene, Oregon | 2020 |