3 Cool Things: Pride Foundation Staff Retreat, 2024 Scholarship Winners Finalized, & Getting ready for a Season of Tend!

April was a month of growth, connection, and anticipation here at Pride Foundation, and we’re excited to share some highlights with you! Here are 3 cool things that happened last month:

Pride Foundation Team Retreat:
 We kicked off the month with a journey of growth and connection at our Spring staff retreat in Anchorage, Alaska! Through engaging workshops and team-building activities, we strengthened our bonds, reaffirmed our values, and honed our skills. Since our team is distributed across our region, it was so wonderful to connect with the entire team in person!

Scholarship Awards finalized: We’re thrilled to announce that our scholarships team, with the support of dedicated volunteers, has selected the recipients for our 2024 scholarships! This year marked a milestone with the highest number of applicants in our history. Stay tuned for the official announcement later this summer as we celebrate the achievements and aspirations of these remarkable scholars!

We announced our Season of Tend! This year for our annual community celebration and fundraiser, we’re hitting the road to connect with supporters in all five states of our region — kicking things off in Portland on Friday, May 31st! Get ready for an unforgettable evening filled with community, connection, and collective impact as we come together to support LGBTQ+ communities across the Northwest. Learn more and RSVP here!


As we embrace the spirit of renewal and possibility, let’s carry the momentum of April’s energy into the months ahead!

With gratitude,

Jamila Taylor
Director of Community Engagement and Communications

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