To trans service members: you are valued and you matter

Yesterday the Supreme Court granted the Trump administration’s request to begin enforcing its discriminatory ban on transgender people in the military while lower courts hear additional arguments.

This ruling puts the honorable service and livelihoods of the estimated 15,000 trans and gender diverse people who are currently serving in our military on the line. And it sends a cruel and damaging message: your contributions are not valued, you are not welcome, and your existence is a burden on the country you fight for every day.

As we saw when the Trump administration first announced this ban, the impact of this decision ripples far beyond those serving in the military. SCOTUS has sent a loud and clear message to all trans and gender diverse people across the country: you are not valued or welcome, and your rights and lives are not worthy of the high court’s time.

This is not acceptable. Our friends, family, and community deserve better than this. So let us state clearly and proudly to all the trans and gender diverse people in our country:

You belong here. You are worthy of protection. Your contributions are valuable and appreciated. We are in this fight with you and we will not stop until every single person is able to live safely and openly as our whole selves in every community we call home.

It is not yet clear how or when the Department of Defense will enforce this ban but we, alongside our community partners, are calling on Congress and the lower courts to act immediately to stop it. 

Please join us in telling Congress that this horrific ban is unconstitutional and blatantly discriminatory—and that our community will not be treated this way.

And we will continue working each and every day with you to counteract all actions and messages like this that undermine the humanity and value of the people in our communities. No matter what, we are in this together.


Katie Carter is Pride Foundation’s Acting CEO.

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