Photo Blog: Montana Student Activism Summit

The Montana Student Activism Summit was a one–day event dedicated to empowering young people and equipping them with the necessary tools to engage in environmental, racial, economic, and social justice issues across the state. The event brought together a diverse group of organizations, and focused on a range of topics. Throughout the day, the 150 student attendees were offered multiple opportunities for learning and engagement.

Pride Foundation sponsored the one-day summit, tabled at the event, and also provided a workshop on LGBTQ activism and the importance of involving young people in addressing the critical issues facing our community.

See below for a recap of the day through photos:


Handout for the Summit, including presentation summaries
Handout for the Summit, including presentation summaries
Abby Stoner, one of the organizers of the Summit, welcomes a participant to the event.
Abby Stoner, one of the organizers of the Summit, welcomes a participant to the event
Participants take a break over lunch to eat and talk about the skills they’ve learned.
Participants take a break over lunch to eat and talk about the skills they’ve learned
Pride Foundation tabling materials!
Pride Foundation tabling materials!
Small group discussion about the issues facing the LGBTQ community beyond marriage equality.
Small group discussion about the issues facing the LGBTQ community beyond marriage equality
Another break-out group discussing various issues impacting the LGBTQ community and how to address them.
Another break-out group discussing various issues impacting the LGBTQ community and how to address them
Candid shot during my presentation on LGBTQ Activism
Candid shot during my presentation on LGBTQ Activism
Presenting my workshop on LGBTQ Activism
Presenting my workshop on LGBTQ Activism


Kim Leighton is Pride Foundation’s Regional Development Organizer in Montana. Email Kim.


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